Archive 2023


O impacto da imprensa

Vivemos todos numa sociedade governada pela imprensa. Não só atualmente que somos governados                                       ...

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Envoyé: 21:32 Thu, 16 March 2023 par: Diogo Correia Calado Diogo

Kaip vienišas filmo entuziastas privertė mane persigalvoti

Šiandien aš kino teatre. Bet ne be tame. Ne be tame, kuriame matysite menininkų filmus. Ne be tame, kurio ekrane reikės ieškoti gyvenimiškosios prasmės ir jau tikrai ne be tame, iš kurio...

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Envoyé: 18:04 Thu, 16 March 2023 par: Griškevičiūtė Nomeda Nomeda

The Lonely Cabin in the Woods

The Lonely Cabin in the Woods He had always been a solitary man.  He had spent most of his life in the city, but had always felt a strong pull towards the wilderness. When he was young, he would escape to the nearby park to find peace and...

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Envoyé: 12:11 Thu, 16 March 2023 par: Alvaro Brito Cenalmor Alvaro

Seres humanos a ser humanos

Este título dá que falar, não acham? O que é um humano para vocês? Ou melhor, o que é este ser, algumas vezes tão previsível, outras vezes, não? Realmente, às vezes, somos...

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Envoyé: 10:56 Thu, 16 March 2023 par: Pires Mariana

Lumière bleue

Votre texte Une lumière bleue…    Cette lumière bleue, elle me fatigue à me donner de faux espoirs qu'elle va s'allumer… J’ai toujours envie de regarder dans sa direction, mais...

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Envoyé: 00:00 Thu, 16 March 2023 par: Fronville Clémence

Grain d'os

Une pancarte indiquait « Cimetière forestier ». C’était le dernier, peut-être le bon. Ils avaient roulé jusqu’au soir, à la recherche d’un bel arbre auprès duquel le...

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Envoyé: 23:57 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Nemes Lavinia


To get into my heart, is like shooting with a dart into the dark.   It may start to glow for you, but then please don’t shoot it will you?   Inside, of places is an infinity, still unknown to...

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Envoyé: 23:49 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Barthel Angèle

I use to word 'because' as a club

I use the word 'because' as a club.   My brother had asked me why I was against going back to visit  My grandparents over the summer.   Here is what I did not say.   Because the house is...

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Envoyé: 23:29 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Mazourine Vera

Ricordo di un istante

Un istante luminoso, di una giornata luminosa, di una vita luminosa. Un istante dolce come datteri dorati. Volevo che lui volesse volermi. Un sole feroce sui nostri volti vicini. Un timido vento sulle nostre mani intrecciate. Fruscio...

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Envoyé: 22:38 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Giulia Franzoso

somewhere in the jungle

Somewhere in the jungle Far of, in the middle of the Brazil jungle, is a place that has been left for animals and plants to rule. No human has set foot on this place for many centuries. In this strange place, where...

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Envoyé: 21:58 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Lang Strohmeier Paloma

A sociedade atual

Não gosto desta sociedade. Agem como se estivesse tudo bem, mesmo estando á beira do colapso. Criam regras, limites e esperam que todos os cumpram, menos eles, para depois eles próprios apontarem o erro dos outros mas...

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Envoyé: 21:50 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Silva Rodrigo


Orestas RazumasAuksasDviejų dalių tragikomedija   Veikėjai: VilfredasTomasMotina   ĮŽANGA Laukiamasis ligoninėje Vilfredas ir Tomas sėdi Pasirodo Motina Motina. Seselė...

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Envoyé: 21:37 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: RAZUMAS, ORESTAS Orestas

Aš sėdžiu

  „Aš sėdžiu po šakom akacijos baltos”. Iš tiesų, tai aš sėdžiu gatvėje ir stebiu žmones. Žmonės nežino, kad yra stebimi. Nežino, kad jie man kaip...

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Envoyé: 21:28 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Vyšniauskytė Gustė Gustė

A Nossa Sociedade

Não gosto desta sociedade. Agem como se estivesse tudo bem, mesmo estando á beira do colapso. Criam regras, limites e esperam que todos os cumpram, menos eles, para depois eles próprios apontarem o erro dos outros mas...

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Envoyé: 21:16 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Silva Rodrigo

Pokalbis Kaune

Du žmonės kalbasi telefonu. Vienas jų yra namuose, kitas stovi stotelėje.   ARTŪRAS: Ką...

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Envoyé: 21:14 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Gruodytė Audrė


  Tai prasideda nuo mažų dalykų. Draugas nenusijuokia iš tavo bajerio. Ir mintys iškart gauna medžiagos. Pirmiausia kažkas patraukia akį, pastebi žibant.  Tu susidomi,...

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Envoyé: 20:32 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Vyšniauskytė Vytautė Vyte

A Perfect Storm

The sun was beginning to set, obstructed by the clumped clouds.  Elizabeth was sailing snail-like back towards the port. Her body was exhausted. She had been sailing since noon. She was slowly creeping along the waves, when she noticed that...

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Envoyé: 20:27 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Foyster Jemima

Le vent sur la colline

Le vent sur la colline souffle à l‘infinie Autant que quand les moines y prient Autant quand les enfants y crient Le vent souffle sur cette rêverie   La colline vit les histoires Elle vit, sur la...

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Envoyé: 20:02 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: De Meyere Arnout

Serei bom o suficiente?

Serei bom o suficiente? Esta sociedade em que vivemos não me seduz.Em primeiro lugar, estão constantemente a julgar tudo e todos, e é devido a esse julgamento que surge a pergunta indecisa! Faço ou não...

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Envoyé: 19:50 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Vassal Rita


Pastebėjau, jog mano rega pradėjo prastėti.   Svetainėje sofa stovėdavo lygiai 3.17 metro nuo televizorius, pagal visas rekomendacijas. Pastūmiau ją septyniolika centimetrų į priekį,...

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Envoyé: 19:46 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: KUZABAVIČIŪTĖ VIKTORIJA Viktorija


Aš kilęs iš vienišos šalies. Iš tylios šalies. Šalies išplėštais liežuviais, nutrauktomis balso stygomis, nukapotais delnais. Iš blogų manierų,...

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Envoyé: 19:43 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: KUZABAVIČIŪTĖ VIKTORIJA Viktorija

Būk savo gyvenimo kalviu! Bet argi taip lengva?

„Mokėkime gyventi ir dūžtančiose formose“,- viename savo eilėraštyje rašė lietuvių kilmės poetas Vytautas Mačernis. Mes gimstame kaip neužbaigtas socialinis eksperimentas;...

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Envoyé: 19:35 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Kamilė Kairiūkštytė Kamilė


11:50 Atsibudus pažiūrėjau į veidrodį. Tuščia. Savęs neradau. Tik mano garstyčių atspalvio sofa ir medinis staliukas. Turbūt sugedo. 13:12 Grąžinau veidrodį atgal...

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Envoyé: 19:34 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: KUZABAVIČIŪTĖ VIKTORIJA Viktorija

A Sociedade em que vivemos

Não gosto desta sociedade. Agem como se estivesse tudo bem,mesmo estando a beira do colapso. Criam regras, limites e esperam que todos os cumpram menos eles, para depois eles próprios apontarem o erro dos outros mas esquecem de seus...

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Envoyé: 19:08 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Silva Rodrigo

Materializmas ir Kristus

Ar kas nors iš jūsų nevalgo duonos arba batono pirmos riekės kitaip tariant kampo?  Ką jūs su juo darote? Kas nevalgote galite atiduoti man! Duonos kampas yra mano mėgstamiausia...

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Envoyé: 17:18 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Lazauskas, Motiejus Motiejus


Gris sourire urbain, Avion de papier perdu, Dans les averses.                                 .  .              ...

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Envoyé: 15:59 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Feltes Michèle

Kaip kino sirgalius praskaidrino mano dieną

Šiandien aš kino teatre. Bet ne be tame. Ne be tame, kuriame matysite menininkų filmus. Ne be tame, kurio ekrane reikės ieškoti gyvenimiškosios prasmės ir jau tikrai ne be tame, iš kurio...

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Envoyé: 14:39 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Griškevičiūtė Nomeda Nomeda


„Prie Bažnyčios stovi kalėjimas. Tikintieji eina pro vienus vartus, kaliniai – pro kitus. Nors kaliniai, matyt, niekur neina, tik ratais. O ar ne visi mes?“ „Niekas nebeskaito Anderseno...

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Envoyé: 13:46 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Vyšniauskytė Gustė Gustė

Enemy of my Enemy

  I was no politician. I did not excel at reading people, uncovering the world in their minds by simply observing the slightest twitch in their expressions. Yet even I could see that he was a rotten creature. He had entered our life, head...

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Envoyé: 12:21 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Soyer Gunes

Les Dieux vs Les Robots

 Je m’appelle Athéna. Je suis une fille ordinaire comme toutes les autres (en tout cas je le pensais). On est en Grèce à l’an 3050. Le pays est gouverné par des robots ce qui fait qu’il est...

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Envoyé: 09:51 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Hachana Kmar

Une histoire étrange

Votre texte Une histoire étrange Je n’oublirais jamais ce qui s´est est passé le 20/10/2012. Ma journée a commencé comme d’habitude, je m’étais réveillé a 7 heure comme...

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Envoyé: 09:51 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Ducrot Aline

Il était une fois

Il y a longtemps avant Jésus Christ, il y avait une civilisation que nous appelons aujourd’hui les Gaulois. C’était la civilisation la plus avance du monde entier et comme roi ils avaient Charles de Gaule...

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Envoyé: 09:47 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Neighbour Penelope

La histoire du petit roi

  Pedro est un adolescent de 16 ans, il est fort et aime son travail avec son père. Tous les jours il construit des maisons pour les personnes locales du Rio de Janeiro. Normalement il porte une chemise bleue, et un pantalon gris, que...

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Envoyé: 09:35 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Garcia Luis

Au fil du temps

  Je m’appelle Igor Shakalaski, j’ai 14 ans, je suis polonais. J’habite sur la planète Vinisipi là où tout le monde obtient des super pouvoirs à leur 6ème anniversaire. Malheureusement, je...

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Envoyé: 09:35 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Qaceme Matis

These Nights

They were always fragile things, these nights. The entire world was still. There was no sense of anticipation in the air, no concept of past or future. T'was as though a barrier had snuck in between the cogs of the passage of time,...

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Envoyé: 08:49 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Soyer Gunes

Unspoken Words

I have always been enough, But you made me feel like I wasn't Because i was too much for you But I want to be Just enough For someone.    For someone to love me Like i loved you Like i loved the feeling...

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Envoyé: 07:03 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Dubreucq Pauline

Excerpts of a past I may have lived

  A fire creature once asked me “Do you want to burn?” And I did. I do. I said Yes. I want to burn. Please, let me burn. So she set me on fire.   xxx   Someone just reached into my...

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Envoyé: 00:01 Wed, 15 March 2023 par: Schockmel Jana


Anti-magnets : A collection of poems about distance    Beauty (only from a distance)   I am used to beauty from a distance, Airy, weightless, Non-commital glances at a cloudy sky, I like my beauty at a...

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Envoyé: 22:45 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Lavina Emma

As Consequências do crescer

As consequências do crescer Ao crescer apercebi-me que nada permanece igual ao passado, não há nada que esteja protegido da mão cruel e implacável do tempo   Tudo envelhece, paredes, pessoas,...

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Envoyé: 22:12 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Sanches Alexandre


Cupcakes or pepper spray Does not really matter When a guy you like is most likely gay   Cupcakes or pepper spray A man in the elevator alone Is a threat to you on any given day   Cupcakes and pepper spray, A...

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Envoyé: 21:35 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Gruodytė Audrė

Days like this

Key. A protector at night. No thank you. I am my own protector at night. They say don’t be a naïve girl. It’s not Europe. nowhere is safe. Especially For a girl “like you”.   Whenever they...

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Envoyé: 21:28 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Gruodytė Audrė

Gaia e il mondo perfetto

GAIA E IL MONDO PERFETTO Gaia è una bambina di otto anni, alta e snella. La sua caratteristica principale sono i suoi lunghi capelli rossi e mossi. Gaia è sorridente, paziente e spensierata ma, fino a due anni fa, era anche molto...

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Envoyé: 20:58 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Adami Martina

My little Peace

Rush My little peace Would I still continue wanting to dream if I knew it was all a dream? Maybe this time I would choose to live a real life instead of wishing for a dream. Even if I decided to live on, I wouldn’t be able to wake up....

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Envoyé: 20:36 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Santos Abreu Mariana

kartos pasaka

Mes neįsivaizduojame pasaulio Be savęs Bet pasaulis skuba įsivaizduot save Be mūsų   Jei būčiau juodaodis vyras Pykčiau ant pasaulio dar labiau Bet esu šiandien ir...

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Envoyé: 18:31 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Gruodytė Audrė

The Weight of the World

  This is it.  It took six months of hard work, training and travel to get here, and this is it. Here she is, despite her critics. Those who said she was too young. Too small. Too female. Alfdin Holimon, daughter of Thia Holimon, is...

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Envoyé: 18:20 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Foyster Jemima

Why Not Waste Death

A dozen voices echo between Vito’s ears. Mad, they share meaningless small talk. Mad, they pretend to be polite. Mad, are the whispers of spent gossip. Mad, is the resemblance between the woman behind the cash register and Vito’s mom....

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Envoyé: 18:15 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Heim Maxime

The Sickness

I roam, I spy, I slither. I clutch my prey; I don’t like letting go. I seep into your body and slowly eat you up Until your filthy guards exterminate me. But I always come back, I’m always there The ever-present...

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Envoyé: 18:14 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile

Bernelis numirėlis

Tu bučiuoji, aš liečiu Atrodo, kad tave mokinu Nenoriu būti tik tai, ką lieti tu Noriu pati liesti Tavo odą Tavo plaukus Tavo lūpas   Ir čia tikrai ne meilės poema Net ne...

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Envoyé: 17:49 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Gruodytė Audrė

Why did you leave me?

Once upon a timeI came to understandThat you would leave me Sooner than I thought. All of our adventuresAll the things we plannedHave faded into nothingnessAs you stepped to the other side. I knew you would leave me one dayBut I never...

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Envoyé: 17:42 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile

Mon admirateur secret

Mon admirateur secret   A celle que j’aime   Dans ta mémoire immortelle, Comme dans le reposoir D’une divine chapelle, Pour celui qui t’es fidèle, Garde l’amour et...

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Envoyé: 17:35 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Dine Maelle

Mignardises luxembourgeoises

Au Glacis une brise au parfum sucré  annonce la fin des vacances d’été.  La musique résonne, les voix s’élèvent,  Les reflets des ampoules dans les yeux des...

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Envoyé: 16:46 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Feltes Michèle

The incident

The Incident Living in a park is very exciting, you are never bored or alone. As a rock my life might seem dull but I can ensure it is not like it seems. I am a rock so all I can do is stand still grounded to the terrain and observe everything...

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Envoyé: 15:41 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Alice Milillo


Home There’s no place like home No such thing like its safety And when after a long night comes dawn I still want to stay and admire its beauty.   Have you ever felt something so warm and comfortable That it made you...

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Envoyé: 14:55 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: VENTI Valentina


Altrove   Tante cose vanno dette Ma soltanto quelle che sono semplici Quando la vita non ti da retta Non sembra che le parole siano le tue amiche.   Amore mio, guarda il cielo un secondo E guarda...

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Envoyé: 14:46 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: VENTI Valentina

J’en ai marre

J’en ai marre   J’en ai marre d’être cette jeune fille que personne n’écoute J’en ai marre d’avoir à être parfaite coûte que coûte Marre de devoir faire comme...

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Envoyé: 14:42 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: VENTI Valentina


Daydream   It’s always been hard for me to realise Who I really am, what I really love For some days I fantasize About the sky above.   We were children, young and free But are we prisoners now ? Prisoners...

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Envoyé: 14:37 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: VENTI Valentina

Letter to a lost soul

Letter to a lost soul   Dear Valentina, where are your dreams ? Where are you gone, why don’t you fight ? Your lost face doesn’t look as it seemed And your sorrowful cries wake me up at night.   Where are...

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Envoyé: 14:30 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: VENTI Valentina

Panic within the Art

My painting was practically gliding across the smooth white paper. It looked like an advanced figure skating, a solo performer showing off their art.    The room was practically silent, except for the occasional whisper, asking for...

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Envoyé: 11:52 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Isabelle Bradford

An Evening's Tranquil Search

     Vibrant shades of orange fill the evening sky, with hints of red seeping over the horizon, and little Italian village.It was almost like a splash of watercolour leaking, taking its own path over the paper. I was on my own mission...

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Envoyé: 11:47 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Isabelle Bradford

A usual sunday walk

A usual sunday walk  Anna’s perspective: I will never forget that day, it was a late morning on Sunday when I decided to take my horse for a walk in the forest.    I could smell the hot breeze of summer on its way to...

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Envoyé: 11:45 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Verstraeten Elise

The Quest For Light

The Quest For Light     The rain fell so heavily that Jacobs trench coat had been soaked through in less than 30 seconds.    The leather had been surprisingly unresistant to water, now his shirt stuck to his chest,...

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Envoyé: 11:41 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Thomas Oliver

An Accident

Two weeks ago: a lovely summer’s day with warm sun and a gentle breeze    My friends and I were biking on a familiar road viewing the beautiful scenery and feeling relaxed.    But then out of nowhere, a car...

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Envoyé: 11:39 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Jiang Ella

Where the Sea and Shore Meet

Where the Sea and Shore Meet   The blazing sunlight shines through my thin windows, as I wake up from my heavy sleep.   I can already hear the seagulls glide over the holiday cottage we borrowed. I can still taste the salt on...

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Envoyé: 11:37 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Ford Alice

The Lonely Cabin in the Woods

The Lonely Cabin in the Woods He had always been a solitary man.  He had spent most of his life in the city, but had always felt a strong pull towards the wilderness. When he was young, he would escape to the nearby park to find peace and...

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Envoyé: 11:35 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Alvaro Brito Cenalmor Alvaro

Sams Lost Treasure

Everything seemed like a normal day.    It was the last day of school and all the students had gone to the park after school with their families. This park wasn’t very big, but it fit a whole load of people. It had a lovely...

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Envoyé: 11:35 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Karlstedt Adrian

The Framing

Your text The Framing   Nyla was stomping through the outside entrance, trying to reach the courthouse without getting drenched in the pouring London rain.   On her right was Nyla’s lawyer, Ms. Keath and on her left...

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Envoyé: 11:34 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Luna Luna


Splinter   It has been inside me for ten years.    As I woke up, I opened my phone. I looked out the window, it was almost dark.    I wanted to text my friend, but I saw a notification from the family group...

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Envoyé: 11:30 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Cao Rachel

Field Perspectives

  Field Perspectives        Person A:   I was lying in the center of a grassy field close to home. I didn’t know what time it was. Presumably early in...

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Envoyé: 11:26 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Moran Ella

The Petrol Station Down St. Dale Street

The Petrol Station down St. Dale Street   The only thing the driver could see was the eerie resonance of his rusty headlights, driving faster than he could see what was up ahead.    The mud splashed and squelched under the...

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Envoyé: 11:25 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Jamie Sch.

Dislike for Children

Dislike for children By Nicoletta Wenzel   Dear Diary,   It's a very complicated day.    Today I was taking care of the five little children which reminds me a lot of my childhood with my brothers, just...

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Envoyé: 11:24 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Wenzel Nicoletta

Greek Airport

Greece: 9th February (sometime in the evening past sunset)    I walk out of my plane and immediately get hit with warm heavy air.    I made my way out of the stuffy plane and onto a crowded bus. Although the bus is...

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Envoyé: 11:18 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Oshkordina Elizaveta


It was a cold night, and the wind was blowing softly on my face. It was quiet, so quiet that I could hear the sound of my own heaving breath. The tall trees were swaying, their branches creaking eerily, the dry leaves crunching under my feet. The...

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Envoyé: 10:48 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile


I was at school. It was before Grade 5, in France, in a small public school near my house. I remember sitting on a bench, reading, just like I always did. I didn’t really have any friends to play with, and books were the only thing that...

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Envoyé: 10:47 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile

I am...

My skin is dark I am not taken seriously. I am considered inferior I am considered as nothing. To them, I don’t exist, I am only judged By the colour of my skin For I am black And to white people I am different. I...

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Envoyé: 10:43 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile

The Moon

The sun is sinking in the sky The colours blending slowly Melting and forming a beautiful painting With colours as light as a rainbow. And soon the sun dies The painting is gone As an ocean of darkness Rises to swallow the...

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Envoyé: 10:41 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile


One day I opened my eyes to find  darkness Embracing me, caressing me,  Like a black veil on my eyes Hiding reality, Transformed fantasies. It felt like walking in the sky Among the stars, But there was no...

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Envoyé: 10:40 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile

I thought I had the solution…

It was a small hospital, swarming with doctors going from patient to patient all day long. It was like a second home to me, as I had lived most of my life there since I was 20 years old. My hospital room, number 13, looked like a copy of my room...

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Envoyé: 10:38 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile


  2000, late December  She couldn't believe it. Was it really him?  She had thought he was dead, turned into one of those horrible gargoyle-like creatures and then killed by other unaffected humans like her. But here he...

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Envoyé: 10:36 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile

The New Shoe

My new shoe squeaks on the wet pavement, sending shocks of pain up my leg as I trudge towards the house. The stiff canvas that envelops my feet and grates on my skin forces my mouth to curve into a grimace. A weak drizzle wets my hair and leaves a...

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Envoyé: 09:43 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Lindsey C


    Parallels   As you stand in  the cold rain, you watch droplets of water racing down your long, wavy brown hair that's always falling in front of your light blue eyes. You contemplate the events of the last...

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Envoyé: 09:40 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Mazourine Matvey

Just a Memory

  I never expected this day to finally arrive.    My whole life I've always thought about it but I never realised how much it would affect me. But today was the day that I had to say goodbye to her. As much as I hated...

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Envoyé: 09:39 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Brizio König Heidi

The Solution

It was a bright summer morning, and I was feeling quite confident as I walked into my office.    I had been working on a strenuous problem for weeks and after countless long and tedious hours of research and analysis, I thought I had...

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Envoyé: 09:27 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Novelli Alessandro


After spending a night in the comfortable seats of the train, Lydia finally arrived at the glorious, miniature village she planned to visit.    The moment she hopped off the old-fashioned train, a warm ray of golden sunshine hit her,...

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Envoyé: 09:22 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Zhang Duo

Plane Ride

Plane Ride By Nina Oshkordina   Lucy:  It was my first time on a plane and it is now my biggest fear. I’m expected to just sit on this uncomfy seat and do nothing for what feels like forever. My parents go on planes often...

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Envoyé: 09:21 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Oshkordina Nina

Max's Magical Caribbean Vacation

Max's Magical Caribbean Vacation   Max lived in a busy city. He had always dreamed of going on a great adventure and exploring the world beyond the concrete jungle he called home.    Finally, the summer holidays...

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Envoyé: 09:16 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Bryan Reichling

The Prisoner of the Sea

The buoy: Floating is all I do.    I have mussels and algae stuck all around me. I'm always at the same place at all times. I am a prisoner of the sea and I have a chain hooked on me to the bottom of the...

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Envoyé: 09:16 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Eugenia Hermida

Stepping Out the Comfort Zone

The charming rows of houses and shops in the small town of Willow Creek were bathed in a warm orange glow as the sun was setting. A lone individual with a backpack slung over their shoulder trudged along a dusty road on the town's outskirts....

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Envoyé: 09:15 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Bora Culha Bora

Old School

The Old school    I was pacing the old school corridors up and down waiting for the headmaster to allow me in the  office.   The headmaster's office was at the top of the school. The floor was old, with...

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Envoyé: 09:15 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Gresham Xavier

The Final Ball

The Final Ball   The stakes had never been higher.    We were in Switzerland. It was the final match of the 2023 U15 Continental tournament. Our team had driven 7 hours from Luxembourg the day before, we were not willing...

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Envoyé: 09:11 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Naman Porwal Naman

Sold Out

  Sold out I don’t like to wear necklaces or any other fancy jewelry like earrings, bracelets, and etc.    In fact, I never had the option to because of my family’s economic...

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Envoyé: 09:10 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Aliyeva Elina

Trapped in Hell

Trapped in Hell By Barney Ford   Ellie jumped down from the dusty vent and into a dark and eerie room filled with spores. She quickly put her mask on just in case anyone was around and saw her without it.    The room...

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Envoyé: 09:08 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Barnaby Ford

Left behind

Left behind    On Christmas eve, my family and I always spend time together at my mum's house.    We have an ongoing tradition of opening one handcrafted gift from each other that evening. I'm sitting...

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Envoyé: 09:06 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Simonyte Ruta

Godly Sin

  My head is shattering into a million pieces. I can almost feel every last brain cell flow out of the skull. It’s painful but I don’t scream. As I try to regain consciousness, more questions arise out of thin air. Where am I?...

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Envoyé: 09:03 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Sonya Grudnitckaia

I Am the City

I remember them, the two lovers, standing there by the canal hands longing for each other, shaking like victims of the grand mal She told him: Ceci n’est pas très romantique and watched as mud and grime swam by the lovers...

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Envoyé: 22:39 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Heim Maxime


Kas aš, o kas tu?   Aš išnirsiu iš miesto, padengto dulkėm, Kaip saulė išnyra iš jūros žalios… Pro samanas kopsiu, kalvom nužygiuosiu Pro Nemuno vingius ir...

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Envoyé: 22:23 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Kamilė Rimdeikaitė Kamilė

Dūšios striptizas

Ibam param bamopa sluoksnis vienas MAN SKAUDA pakelta koja rankapuslankis drauge TURIU BET NETURIU plaukais oreratu ratu NERAMU sluoksnis po sluoksniokaukšt pataukštaukštakulniai VERKIU įprastas dienasašarom...

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Envoyé: 19:57 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Ūselė Liveta

Be tavęs

Vis dar tragiškai girtas jis vos ne vos praplėšia vieną akį ir nesupranta, nei kas jis, nei kur yra. Ant sienos mėlynuoja Marvel plakatas. Ore tvyro priplėkęs neplautų indų kvapas. Už...

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Envoyé: 19:37 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Ūselė Liveta

Amici Tesori

RITORNELLO:Amici tesori imperdibiliriserva aurea sostegnonei momenti più bui.STROFA 1:Voi che mi regalate un sorrisovoi che mi ascoltate sempremi sento a casa con voi.STROFA 2:Quando sto con voisparisce ogni pensieroperchè siete...

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Envoyé: 19:14 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Comuzzi Matteo

A viagem

A Viagem (book 1)   POV Matilde Era 27 de Outubro de 2018 eu morava com a minha amiga numa casa um quanto grande só para nos as duas, mas isso não era um problema pra nós. No mesmo Dia estávamos sentadas...

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Envoyé: 14:48 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Matilde Guedes Barbosa

Der Bus

Ich habe nicht mehr viel Zeit. Der Bus wird bald kommen. Und diese verdammte Metallbank mit ihren Noppen wird immer ungemütlicher. Menschenfreundliche Bauweise ist definitiv was anderes. Ich beuge den Oberkörper nach vorne,...

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Envoyé: 13:45 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Loes Melanie

Aš esu, tu esi, jis/ji yra

Gimęs simuliacijoje galvoji, kad gimei iš tikrųjų, kaip ir visi. Toks gyvenimas šiaip jau visai įdomus, nes niekad negali žinoti, kas tavęs laukia. Arba nelaukia. Jei manęs kas nors paklaustų,...

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Envoyé: 10:31 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Vyšniauskytė Gustė Gustė

Apie merginą

Kaip gyvenate paskutiniu metu? Kažkaip sunku viską papasakoti paprastai. Norėtųsi įterpti daugiau daugtaškių ar vien tik jais parašyti tekstą. Nutylėjimais, mano manymu, viskas pasakyta....

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Envoyé: 10:23 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Vyšniauskytė Gustė Gustė

A War Scene from Afar

A war scene from afar By Hannah Bales   She opens her eyes, too early in the morning, A wave of fear rolls over her like a warning, Cold breezes in her head and her mind The thoughts on repeat: Has the night been...

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Envoyé: 10:19 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Bales Hannah

Žaidimų aikštelė

Giiiiiiirgžt, giiiiirgžt, giiirgžt, giirgžt,  girgžt, girgžt. Šliūžt, šliūžt... šliūžt, šliūžt...šliūžt, šliūžt....

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Envoyé: 10:17 Mon, 13 March 2023 par: Vyšniauskytė Gustė Gustė

A Herança...

Seu texto A Herança… Hoje acordei com o chilrear dos passarinhos e com os raios de sol a entrar pela janela do meu quarto. Estava um dia radiante. Sentia uma enorme ansiedade e estava muito curioso, pois era o dia de...

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Envoyé: 21:37 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: Cruz Fernando Lucas

As memórias de um emigrante...

Seu texto Memórias de um emigrante… Hoje dormi até mais tarde, pois é sábado. Quando acordei, o sol já irradiava luz e paz na janela do meu quarto. Olhei atentamente para tudo aquilo que me rodeava e...

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Envoyé: 21:35 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: Cruz Maria Lucas

d'Schlass aus Glas

D Schlass aus Glas   -Wat lo grad nach mäi ganzt Gléck war, ass elo nëmmen nach ee Koup Schierbelen.   Ween am Glashaus setzt, de geheit besser net mat Steng. Sou seet een, mee wei ass et...

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Envoyé: 16:35 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: Hippert Lee

teksto pavadinimas.

teksto pavadinimas.   užsimerk įkvėpk smalkių iš debesų rutulinių išsikeverzos gulbė ...

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Envoyé: 14:34 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: ANDRIUŠKEVIČIUS DOMINYKAS Dominykas

On m'écoute

Embarrassé. Les bras mous. Mots tout flous. Le trac m’embrasse, je rétracte, du tac au tac ? Pas du tout Vu par tous ces yeux, nerveux, je veux juste disparaitre Ils ne disent pas, être artiste c’est pour...

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Envoyé: 13:32 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: Tahireddine Camal

120 BPM

Ça vous arrive aussi quand vous écoutez un album et que vous êtes pressés d'entendre votre chanson préférée et que vous êtes tentés de passer des chansons et vous vous dites non, si,...

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Envoyé: 13:30 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: Tahireddine Camal

Aš atsimenu tave

Atsimenu, kaip mes pas tave atvažiuodavome jau po pietų ir įsukę į gražiai sutvarkytą gatvę, privažiuodavome tavo namus. Mes pastebėdavome tave balkone stebintį mus. Vos tik pamatęs kaip...

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Envoyé: 11:19 Sun, 12 March 2023 par: BEGINSKAITĖ, ANETA Aneta


How seldom I assume sweet life must taste. When the fool dances in empyreal rhymes  did we see ourselves become carriers of lies. For even poets hide in well-written disguise, but they can’t keep the pain from coming back to...

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Envoyé: 22:35 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Fairon Cheryl

La Prose des Jours 

  Les jours sont tristes comme des artistes   ne laissant tomber   que des fragments incertains  On parle de morts jetés dans la Mer Noire   de pays qui...

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Envoyé: 22:35 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Rault Tobias

apie ką va.

apie ką va.   kava su kava kava su pienu kava su dviem degtukais kurie įskelia žiežirbą besitrindami kava su knyga be viršelio kava su maišeliu ant galvos kava su...

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Envoyé: 21:59 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: ANDRIUŠKEVIČIUS DOMINYKAS Dominykas

A glimpse into otherlife

  A glimpse into otherlife They've clipped my wings Perhaps forever Hope shines within that fierce flame My lonely candle tenants On that poet's frame   The storm eases my overcrowded mind Raindrops...

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Envoyé: 20:10 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Da SIlva Sousa Briana


  Mill Marveleous muse Hoped to be transparent Unluckily Through those teary eyes Hints to be frost   An innocent mistake The back of her pencil could flawlessly erase If its twirl through her light fingers...

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Envoyé: 20:01 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Da SIlva Sousa Briana

When you sing

  When you sing The moonshine is sparklier Than our world's only river   A drop of obliviousness Runs downs the withered leaves Old habits drowning in your schemes   A black and white movie Hungry...

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Envoyé: 19:56 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Da SIlva Sousa Briana

The dot of hope

  The dot of hope A bright tempting light whispers my name I hesitate But my curiosity takes over I crawl and crawl Until my aching feet touch something   I haven’t felt for a while I move towards...

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Envoyé: 19:47 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Da SIlva Sousa Briana

fuoco eterno

sono una fuoco eternoce ne ho messo a bruciareuna volta ero minuscolama volevo essere ancora più piccolagli sguardi mi impaurivanole parole mi tagliavano via le fiammeed io mi lasciavo svanireun giorno presi fuocopiù rovente di...

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Envoyé: 19:36 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Pileri Caterina

Pusamžio poeto prašymas į išankstinę pensiją

– Prirašiau daug, prirašiau gerai,Pakanka solidžiai rinktinei.Apnuoginau asmeninius skausmus,Pyktį, baimę ir ilgesį,Nepasitikėjimą tiesa bei gėriu.Metafizikos geizerį pakeičiau...

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Envoyé: 17:47 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Pumputis Martynas

Kas teršia upes?

Buitinė technika ir baldai dugne.Mūsų dėdės ir kaimynai,Įridenantys po padangų komplektą.Žemės ūkis, netyčiom tręšiantis dumblius.Smulkių užmiesčio gamyklų...

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Envoyé: 17:46 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Pumputis Martynas

Be nuomos

Poetai myli savo žmonas,Kai kurie labiau myli svetimas,Tikras talentas atitraukti poeto mintis nuo žmonos. Vieniems poetams modernizmo padėtasIr postmodernizmo skaldomas ego pagrindas Arba žema savivertė, jei...

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Envoyé: 17:42 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Pumputis Martynas

štai kodėl nenoriu eiti į knygų mugę.

štai         nenoriu     į         mugę.       kodėl            eiti knygų   knygos ten kvepia prasidėjusio...

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Envoyé: 15:33 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: ANDRIUŠKEVIČIUS DOMINYKAS Dominykas

Antecogito, ergo sum

sėda mintys, kaip nuosėdos, klintys, gyvenimo-karsto procesai - jų žygis   įslūgos, įsmukos, muldos ir karcerio angos - galvos vienutės, kur tuštybė...

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Envoyé: 15:08 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Uleckaitė Ema Ema

Be pavadinimo

pasileisti vėjais pa-trau-klu   kad kažkas nuneštų gaiviaisiais bėgiais pa-ma-žu   noriu būti aš be svorio net dre-bu   kai sunkiai dūsta mano kojos...

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Envoyé: 13:14 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Uleckaitė Ema Ema

My home by the sea

My home by the seaIn the morning, the atmosphere is peacefulThe sunrise represents a new day, ambtitions and thoughtsSettling my emotions in philosophical reflectionsOf my acts and personal directionLater, as the world starts to wake up from their...

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Envoyé: 10:36 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Jacobowitz Liah

Cette liberté inaccessible

        Cette liberté inaccessibleLiberté, un mot si éphémère,Qui pourtant représente tantUn terme employé par tous quotidiennent:Les réfugiés aux portes de...

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Envoyé: 10:19 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Jacobowitz Liah

I lost myself in your devil eyes

I lost myself in your devil eyes   You,You stole my childhood innocence,My smiles and my decencyYou violated every one of my rightsMy shelter, my self esteemand my pleasure for lifeAnd then, I lost power, trust and love for myselfBecause...

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Envoyé: 09:50 Sat, 11 March 2023 par: Jacobowitz Liah

Kaput Caput

Kaput Caput   Balink patalus it pilkus sūnus,Siūkis kojinių pramuštus kulnus,Smilkiniuos merktų adatų netrūks,O nenaudotos balso stygos keis siūlus. Dūris, dygis, furnitūros...

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Envoyé: 18:28 Fri, 10 March 2023 par: Uleckaitė Ema Ema

Paranormal ?

  Ma tête arrête de tourner, j’ouvre mes yeux. Je me réveille dans une pièce dont les murs et le plafond sont recouverts de papier peint blanc, ancien et avec un motif indescriptible. De la pièce...

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Envoyé: 16:14 Fri, 10 March 2023 par: Defense Henry

The Good Guy?

Your text The Good Guy Scene 1 Dylan: “There is no creature more evil and depraved than the human female. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and need to be treated as such.” Now I know how that sounds, and before you...

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Envoyé: 13:51 Fri, 10 March 2023 par: Kingston Ferelith

Merci la vie

Je t’aime, chère vie. J’aime que tu me donnes envie D’écouter, De respirer cet air.   Si je veux pleurer, Me faire désirer,  De toutes mes forces crier Ou simplement...

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Envoyé: 12:36 Fri, 10 March 2023 par: Cano Pauline


Your tex     Palaiminti turintieji už ką susimokėt, nes jiems bus parduota I.M.S. 1, 1-1   – Skenuokite prekę, – kaskart išgirstu, vargdamas su kokiais nors...

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Envoyé: 10:09 Fri, 10 March 2023 par: Sokolovaitė Ieva Marija

Aš matau tave

                                          Edvardas berniuko paprašo pasilikti po pamokos. Kitiems penktokams išėjus...

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Envoyé: 16:08 Wed, 8 March 2023 par: Dominykas Matulionis

Les 100 mots

Les 100 mots    Je me demande toujours et encore, comment la vie,  N'est qu’une poésie.  Chaque jour vécu, est un jour perdu.  Chaque...

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Envoyé: 12:37 Wed, 8 March 2023 par: Lanscotte Wietor Raphael

Repos estival

Repos estival Je me souviens de cette journée comme d’un jour pluvieux. Il avait fait beau toute la semaine, mais lentement l’atmosphère s’était alourdie, laissant place à une nuit...

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Envoyé: 11:44 Wed, 8 March 2023 par: Boutou Harry


Voyager   Découvrir le monde Parler au monde Vivre le monde Ressentir le monde.   Joie, bonheur, curiosité, Découverte, adrénaline, vivacité  Se sentir jeune Se sentir...

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Envoyé: 09:15 Tue, 7 March 2023 par: Camerlynck Chiara

Le voyage

Le voyage    Voyager c’est s’évader  Voyager c’est rêver Voyager c’est décider Voyager c’est expérimenter.   Oh voyage, comment pourrais-je...

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Envoyé: 07:34 Tue, 7 March 2023 par: Camerlynck Chiara

Mein (un)geliebtes Ich

Mein (un)geliebtes Ich Der Anfang vom Ende Ich kann und will das alles nicht mehr… Der ganze Druck, der sich über Jahre aufgebaut hat. Fake Friends, meine dumme Naivität und mein scheiß Aussehen. Warum war ich nur so...

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Envoyé: 16:14 Mon, 6 March 2023 par: Agovic Emrah

Os Meus Quatro Amores

Os meus quatro amores   A pessoa que leu o título deve estar a pensar “Outra vez sobre amor?!”. Eu sei, eu sei... Há inúmeras histórias de amor por aí e, sinceramente, nem sei como posso eu...

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Envoyé: 14:30 Mon, 6 March 2023 par: Gonçalves Sobrinho Márcia


Stiklinėj sekcijoj tiek daug skaidrumo. Krištolinių šaukštų, Matrioškų rausvumo... Čia baltos naktys dulkėmis plasnoja, Nukloja prakaituotą kaktą – Tai...

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Envoyé: 14:29 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Dubnikovaitė, Elzė Elzė


Potekstės numeta purpurą Ant perregimų Don Kichoto malūnų. Ant plynos tamsos, Besišvartuojančių ančių, Kultūrų. Smilgsta. Kvėpuoja Margais laiptinių...

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Envoyé: 14:17 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Dubnikovaitė, Elzė Elzė


Tekstas ryte atsikėlęs išgersi kavos tai pasaulio dėsnis kaip archimedo kaip niutono bet jausi – kažkas ne taip žemė sukasi prieš savo ašį tavo...

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Envoyé: 14:17 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Daugėla Linas Linas

musė hipokrato aky

Tekstas   draugo mylimoji pateko į komą   prasėdėjom prie ligoninės iki šešių ryto švito surūkėm cigarečių pakelį...

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Envoyé: 14:14 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Daugėla Linas Linas


Tekstas sapne bandysi pakeisti lemputę sapno lubos bus gruoblėtos pabudimo jungikliai apsitrynę į sapną pakviesi elektriką tas netyčia išdauš iliuzijų stiklą...

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Envoyé: 14:13 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Daugėla Linas Linas

jis palauks kol užmigsi

Tekstas jis palauks kol užmigsi paleis reqiem kad būtų linksmiau paskui ant laikraščio vogtų markeriu užrašys būrų maldas pro langą nuleis vėliavą ant kurios...

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Envoyé: 14:11 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Daugėla Linas Linas


Giedra. Į užmerktas akis nebetelpa Tavo pakumpęs frontonas. Ūžia smėlis Suskaldytais stiklais - Nesulaikys Įgriuvęs šiltnamio stogas. Ant surūdijusių laiptų...

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Envoyé: 14:06 Sat, 4 March 2023 par: Dubnikovaitė, Elzė Elzė


Que vois-tu Des abysses de mon regard ?  Que vois-tu De l’arrière du miroir ?  Que vois-tu, Toi dont la sonde n’effleure que la surface,  Te croyant perspicace Quand tu ignores tout de moi...

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Envoyé: 16:46 Fri, 3 March 2023 par: Bernier Nina

L'autre devant moi

Analphabète  De ton regard Qui me guette Je m’égare   Alors je chante Dans ton silence J’en arpente  Les nuances   Sans déceler Dans ton visage Une...

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Envoyé: 16:37 Fri, 3 March 2023 par: Bernier Nina

Kunigas ir gaspadinė

TekstasGaspadin kekšė šnabždėjo kunigeliui klausykloje:Valgyk mano kūno kaip švento avinelio. Gerk vyną iš mano venų.Priversk mane kartoti šventą Mariją 50...

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Envoyé: 11:39 Wed, 1 March 2023 par: PLIUŠČIKAITĖ EMILĖ Emilė

Turta dalybas

TekstasStovėja senis Janis truoba tuščia 2 savaites Nu kaip tuščia, kaimynkas kaip apžiūrėja jau ten viską biški. Kas kokį fruotini rankšlostuka, kas puodą...

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Envoyé: 11:37 Wed, 1 March 2023 par: PLIUŠČIKAITĖ EMILĖ Emilė


TekstasSusirinka giminie tuolima ir kaimynai artimi į landyni pas juoškų, čia buva vienintelį pramogų vieta visam bažnytkaimy - universali erdvie visoms jūsų progoms Ant stalo stovėjo 24...

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Envoyé: 11:34 Wed, 1 March 2023 par: PLIUŠČIKAITĖ EMILĖ Emilė

Mirė senė vardu Jani

Tekstas Miri seni vardu Jani Babuli buva labai mylima i gerbiama kraštieti Nes bažnytkaimy viri samaguonaSeni gyvena viena nes sugyventinis Jurgis jau buva pasimiris, o vaikai ir anūkai emigraviSeni pajunta kad jau...

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Envoyé: 11:32 Wed, 1 March 2023 par: PLIUŠČIKAITĖ EMILĖ Emilė


We are all made of star stuff, but listen, because we are no light. For our barren and darkened souls have been godforsaken and now nothing is right. Animals, pure animals we are, just another species on the planet we call earth. As nothing...

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Envoyé: 20:29 Mon, 27 February 2023 par: Michem Marie-Laure

Ben, The Boy Who Crossed The Street

Ben was a mischievous blond boy. He always hid his smallest toy, Just to get new and bigger games; The small toys he threw in the flames. Ben loved bending his parents’ rules, Treating his parents like mules.   One...

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Envoyé: 16:09 Sun, 26 February 2023 par: Spreafico Giacomo Bernardo

Un amour douloureux à croire

Un amour douloureux à croire Ridicule. Qui l'aurait cru un jour que moi, le grand Arthur Carballo pourrait vraiment tomber amoureux. Je suis plus connu pour être le badboy du lycée ou même le roi du lycée....

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Envoyé: 11:35 Sun, 26 February 2023 par: Neves Brescia Erika

Skysčių balansas

Aš komentatorius, sėdintis ant plyštančios baro kėdės Mane vaišina kokteiliais su milteliais neaiškios prigimties Mane kalbina įvairaus plauko žmonės Aš jiems...

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Envoyé: 21:32 Fri, 24 February 2023 par: Stravinskaitė Silvija Silvija


Votre texte Viver todos os dias cansa. Ando arreliada com isto da falta de tempo, dos dias que parece que não chegam para nada. Acordo cedo e deito-me tardíssimo. Questiono-me se é suposto ser assim, mas para já,...

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Envoyé: 17:14 Fri, 17 February 2023 par: CARDOSO BEATRIZ

Širdele mano, tave moku mintinai

Jos pirštais tekėjo skaidri serbentų uogienė. Tekėjo lėtai, lyg bijodama sukelti įtarimą, kad yra gyva. O kas žino, gal trintos uogos ir buvo gyvos, turinčios svajones ir gyvenimo planus. Bet ir...

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Envoyé: 20:19 Thu, 16 February 2023 par: MAŠAUSKAITĖ MILA Mila Braun Upyte

Uma Europa carenciada.

  Ainda está escuro. O frio percorre-me a cara enquanto que o meu corpo é aquecido por cobertores. Ao levantar-me, espreito pela janela. Há geada em todos os telhados e o ar gélido entra pelas ranhuras das...

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Envoyé: 11:39 Thu, 16 February 2023 par: Borges Filipa

O que é um verdadeiro tesouro?

Um verdadeiro tesouro nem sempre se refere a jóias ou bens materiais. Para mim um verdadeiro tesouro são as pessoas, pessoas que sejam importantes para cada um de nós, pessoas verdadeiras, pessoas que acima de tudo são...

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Envoyé: 22:44 Mon, 13 February 2023 par: Loureiro Eva

Stille Eintracht

In stiller Eintracht liegen wir unterm Firmament.   Die Sonne senkt sich. Schau hinauf, schau, der Himmel brennt!   Ein Traum vom Sommer in der Nacht, zarter Sommertraum.   Das Gras, es...

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Envoyé: 13:18 Fri, 10 February 2023 par: Loes Melanie

A little breather

There are things in this world that demand time. There are things in this world to leave behind.   There are people who will hurt you by what they say,  there are worries that will stand in your way. There are visions about...

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Envoyé: 22:13 Wed, 8 February 2023 par: Lagodny Elena

Chère Lady Y

Chère Lady Y quelque en soit pardonnez moi.  Je ne vous aurais jamais trahie je serais incapable de vous blesser, cela n’était guère voulu on m’y a obligé, obligé à partir, jamais je ne...

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Envoyé: 18:59 Tue, 7 February 2023 par: Rodrigues Thomas

Life isn’t a board game

You play piano with my waist, Scrabble with my heart, use that Uno reverse card as a weapon against the soul behind my eyes. But I know better. You live inside distorted mirrors, bragging about your own serenity, because you don’t...

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Envoyé: 23:38 Sat, 4 February 2023 par: Costa Medeiros Sara Raquel

Don’t Laugh

It was on a lazy Saturday evening, my friend, Alexander, and I were stroling along the sidewalk. We both attended Old Willow-Brook High. Almost last year there, thankfully. Looked forward of going to college than anything else. Get away from my...

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Envoyé: 10:29 Fri, 3 February 2023 par: Pereira Pinto Maria

ad infinitum

"I got my first tattoo when I was seventeen. It's right above the hipbone and says 'nevermind'. I remember opening the envelope on my birthday and seeing the gift card from my mom, the excitement I felt, the...

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Envoyé: 23:48 Thu, 2 February 2023 par: Schockmel Jana

The library

  Life can be seen in different ways, I, however, believe it to be a library – ancient and colourful, where shelves over shelves battle themselves to reach the top of its glorious dome made out of glass. Through the glass, light...

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Envoyé: 15:07 Tue, 31 January 2023 par: Döring Parage Gwen Maia

Colourful world

  Life from a different perspective is difficult for others to see, to be able to look through another kind of glasses,  not easy to believe, if you ask me, I see life in colours, every person I meet, walks in the shine of...

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Envoyé: 15:02 Tue, 31 January 2023 par: Döring Parage Gwen Maia

The Fighter

Votre texte The Fighter When the shadows come and the lights fade out, I try my utmost to keep the candle lit and to let the shine spread through those I hold dear and those I meet to give back some warmth to humanity. Everyone...

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Envoyé: 14:53 Tue, 31 January 2023 par: Döring Parage Gwen Maia

Reste comme tu es

Fais pas ci Fais pas ça  Sois comme ci Sois comme ça    Mais si j'étais différente  Si je n'étais pas constante Si je n'étais pas comme eux Et si...

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Envoyé: 11:10 Mon, 30 January 2023 par: Camerlynck Chiara


As nossas vidas são baseadas em decisões que tomamos e naquele dia eu tomei a decisão que mudou a minha vida até hoje. A simples decisão de ir apanhar o autocarro naquele sítio e naquela hora... Nesse dia...

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Envoyé: 16:27 Sun, 29 January 2023 par: Santos Beatriz

Ciel couvert

Voilà qu’on se trouve encoreÀ l’aube de nos vies,Mais c’est étrange,Quelqu’un semble avoir misUn couvercle sur le ciel bleu, grisé -Et les couleurs sont parties....

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Envoyé: 22:50 Sat, 28 January 2023 par: Nemes Lavinia

One step into my new life

The sun had set hours ago but the stars still twinkled high above the city like an eternal reminder of the mysteries the night held. I’m sitting here, on the roof, alone, with my thoughts. I’m relaxed even though I have a lot of work to...

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Envoyé: 15:57 Fri, 27 January 2023 par: Emilija Gaidytė

Moments of Peace

Peace is looking after someone with love. Peace is bringing joy to the mother,it is no suffering. Peace is reaching out to someone,even if they have a different opinion. Peace is the wisdom of reconciliation after a quarrel. And peace is...

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Envoyé: 21:33 Thu, 26 January 2023 par: Tavares Simão


Tamsta, prašau, truputį sustoti Ir nepagailėti rankos ištiesti Su moneta arba ledais, O gal su kumščiu ar lazda... Tik nenueikite, prašau, Pro vargetą, pro žemės...

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Envoyé: 00:57 Wed, 25 January 2023 par: Laima Tomkevičiūtė Laima

Heather and the Devil

Her foot was light as a feather, She went by the name of Heather. And I can say, and she would agree That everything was her fault to be. She walked with the devil hand in hand, Longing for sea and sand. He was able to poison her...

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Envoyé: 16:24 Mon, 23 January 2023 par: Costa Medeiros Sara Raquel

The yellow wooden door

Earth was once a world dressed in black and white, all the good and all the bad living under the same roof, smiling and dancing together on archaic VHS-tapes. Simple. Then Earth was made new, born again, modernized. Less green more gray, the faster...

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Envoyé: 16:05 Mon, 23 January 2023 par: Costa Medeiros Sara Raquel


Kai saulė patekėsIr man nieks neberupėsKai miškas vėl gyvuosIr mano plaučiai vėl kvėpuos Aš ateisiu pasitiktiTekina leisiuos kuo toliauLink dangaus arčiau Ten tavęs neradusAš...

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Envoyé: 21:51 Sun, 22 January 2023 par: Avižonytė Rugilė Rugilė

Das Zuhause

     Der Herbst. Ich liebte immer dieser Zeit. Trotzdem der Himmel sehr grau ist, ohne einziges Loch in der Wolkendecke für das Sonnenlicht, und der Wind eiskalt weht, hat diese Jahreszeit etwas Heimisches. Auch wenn ich mich...

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Envoyé: 14:53 Sun, 22 January 2023 par: Stelmashenko Valeriia

Tikrasis meilės veidas ir kas ateina kai ji baigiasi

Jei rožės kalbėtų šimtas dienųir tavo rožė prasiskleidėaš sustojau sekundeiir pažvelgiau aukštynmačiau tavoveido linijasir žvilgsnįbesiiriantį horizontutu...

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Envoyé: 18:31 Thu, 19 January 2023 par: Rimkutė Austė

The Blue Wizard

The Blue Wizard The audience was slowly dozing off.  A young magician was binding silver rings in the air. Everyone knew the trick, and if they did not know, then they were two minutes from learning the secret to it, on their...

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Envoyé: 13:39 Sun, 15 January 2023 par: Golan Jan


Votre texte Mes paroles se heurtant à de sourdes façades, Réponds-moi ! Néant, vide, atroce silence, Mes regards saignant se forment en une cascade, Tandis que tu m’ignores en...

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Envoyé: 13:38 Sat, 7 January 2023 par: Weicker Athena

Le blues de toi

Le jour me déshydrate, la nuit me nourrit Solitude rêveuse, cauchemars suivis  Ton absence me laisse assoiffée et mon esprit contemple ta forme marmoréenne et rit.   Dès qu’on se...

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Envoyé: 13:27 Sat, 7 January 2023 par: Weicker Athena

Weder noch

Weder noch   Ich bin weder besonders talentiert in Sprache, Mathematik der Kunst, noch ist einer meiner Charakterzüge besonders herausstechend. Ich kann weder mit meinem Aussehen noch mit meiner Ausstrahlung protzen. Warum man es mit...

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Envoyé: 20:21 Fri, 6 January 2023 par: Lagodny Elena

Hussle culture

Hussle culture   Once a curious child, always a curious child. I wonder how people go through the world without asking questions.  I wonder if that is even possible, aren't we all alike? In the end, this is no more...

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Envoyé: 15:16 Tue, 3 January 2023 par: Lagodny Elena

Le Garçon de Cabine

  Quand le ciel des nuits dévoilait aux vogueurs  La course sublime des pourpres accalmies,?  Leur galop me ramenait cette amère langueur…  ?- Sur les vents...

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Envoyé: 18:51 Thu, 29 December 2022 par: Rault Tobias

Gamtos pasaulis

Kurmis po žeme,prasmirdęs Žeme, išrausė skylę urve.   Naktį, tą pačią naktį Gauja vilkų staugia kalnuos Per pilnatį ryškią.   Ir tos...

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Envoyé: 19:40 Tue, 20 December 2022 par: STANIUS, ANDRIUS Andrius

Hot Snow

Hot snow   On a sunny day, snow falls from the sky. Leaves the landscape covered in virgin white. You’d think it’s Christmas. Snow in the summer! The world must be upside down once more. Take a handful. Quite miraculously, it...

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Envoyé: 12:40 Sat, 17 December 2022 par: Hippert Lee

Peur et courage : les deux faces d'une même médaille

  Alors tu comprends que le coeur est simplement merveilleux parce que..... il parle en silence, souffre en secret, tombe amoureux à chaque battement de coeur, malgré les cicatrices de la vie continue à espérer...

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Envoyé: 16:56 Fri, 16 December 2022 par: Battaglia Mariah

Širdies naivumas

Sėdžiu namuose, garsiai laikrodis tiksena, Tamsios spalvos už langų rusena. Juokias pusnys, kai laukan einu, Sniegą neša link manų akių.   Kai trumpam aš...

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Envoyé: 14:37 Fri, 16 December 2022 par: Sabaliauskas Ignas