
Law Emily

A Gentleman‘s Act


Once lived a brilliant lad

A genius which all admire he had

But for the below, he did not cared


The gift to see everyones truth‘s

He deceived all who fell for his use


He let them all fall away

But what could they say ?

They were just the trophies of his Plays


One day like any else

He saw a girl, crying alone in the dells

He saw a new opportunity for himself


Lovely he took her in his arms

She the helpless one as

Did nothing but play to his charm


The time had come

He by now lost his lust

But the moment he wanted to let her down 


"Isn‘t that what you wanted ?"

"Even if our time was a deception, so you were so nice to show me how true love felt"


Envoyé: 13:43 Tue, 12 March 2019 par: Law Emily