
Bruck Aline

Fortune Cookie

Fortune Cookie


A fortune cookie 

told me to live

my life and

let go of the past.


A fortune cookie 

told me to dream

big and to

reach for the stars.


A fortune cookie

told me to forgive,

forget all the voices

inside my head.


A fortune cookie 

told me to stop

tearing it apart.


A fortune cookie

told me to listen,

to be smart.


After a decade of laughter,

eye-rolling and sighs,

I figured that this year

I may as well take its advice.


So I crack up a cookie

brush the crumbles aside

But there is no paper,

no wisdom, no guide.


So I crack up another 

which is empty, try again

I break them all open

I just don´t understand...


I check them all twice

But apparently even

a simple fortune cookie

can run out of advice.



Envoyé: 21:10 Sat, 4 April 2020 par: Bruck Aline