
Tahireddine Camal

Both Worlds

- What were we talking about? I forgot.

- Agh, me too! I had it on the tip of my tongue.

- Okay, I can't get it, how do sentences we pronounced SECONDS ago slip our mind?

- I wish I knew... Let's write it down. So, we're talking about forgetting, aren't we?

- Yes. I'll write it down. *spells* F-O-R-G-E-T.

- Nice. But I mean it doesn't really matter what we talk about, it's more about the talking itself.

- Yeah but why not best of both worlds?

- What worlds?

- You know.... uhm... I forgot. Oh, it says here "Forget". Maybe it's something we should forget about?

- Well it seems like it worked, because I forgot what it means.

- Eh, now I kinda wish I didn't forget what we were talking about. It seems important, why else would I write it down?

- I don't know. You would remember if it was important. Forget about it.

- I wish I could.

- You already did.

- Did what?

- I don't know. I forgot.

- Me too.


Envoyé: 23:36 Sat, 9 October 2021 par: Tahireddine Camal