
Scholer Michel

A Foul Seed

A foul seed is growing in our civilization

That stifles and hinders any communication.

People unite in passionate disunity

As dissent grips our disjointed community

We're pointing with guilty fingers at each other

Then we conspire together against yet another.


We make us feel important through discrimination

Till we succumb to deceitful indoctrination.

Saying my enemy's enemy is my friend

Is a one-way ticket into a dead end

With nothing possible but simple condescension

Against those who do not fit our comprehension.


There was a time when we looked out for one another

Where we truly were each other's sister and brother.

There was a time when we knew no man's an island

Where in the face of evil we didn't stay silent.

There was a time when we noticed other's struggles

Where we looked out not to double their troubles.


Now  we condemn those fleeing conflict as rabid dogs

Not remembering the times we burnt down synagogues.

Our states got richer, yet fight wars on poverty

Not seeing inequality's harsh lottery.

The foul seed - once small - has grown to a sturdy tree

Converting us into division's devotees.

Envoyé: 10:32 Sat, 11 March 2017 par: Scholer Michel