
Lagodny Elena

Wannabe hero


We want to be heroes.

 We want to see what will come,

 want to move things with the mind,

 want to be incredibly strong,

 and stop being blind.


 How great would it be,

 to be and feel so differently ?

 To know what others think.

 To see past the foe’s scheme,

 and appear and disappear in a blink.


 Yet how narrowminded must one be ,

 not to be aware of the power,

 that we already share ?

 Not to see the blossoming of the flower,

 we call our mind and that is our heir.


 We seem to tend to deny

 that we can already see the future events.

 That daily we plan, interpret and forsee

 with our 6th sense,

 so we can be who we want to be.


 Why deny our strengths,

 ability to grow, learn, speak and hear.

 Our gift to see, smell and overcome fear,

 How great we are for always trying,

 to look out, help, give and keep growing ?


 So next time you forget your heroism,

 try to think of all already accomplished.

 Try to see past the wall hindering your view.

 Simply look for the diamond that can be polished.

 Simply go on and take the cue.

Envoyé: 17:32 Wed, 6 October 2021 par: Lagodny Elena