
Staneva Elissaveta

The courage to heal


She had to let go
of the fear to be herself,
of her insecurities.
She was supposed to love her flaws
that make her so chaotically perfect…

But she couldn’t forget their words,
their pressuring actions
their judgments.
Looks full of hate,
staring at her vulnerability,
laughing at her pain
As they became stronger
by watching her suffer.
She couldn’t forget their betrayal, lies
and the way they abandoned her -
like she was nothing.
They enjoyed breaking the Trust she questioned: this thin glass.
Lift It up, just to plunk It once more
When all she wanted was to pick up the pieces;
stick them back together and never put
her guard down
She had to be strong
Wake every morning,
relive the same dolour,
over and over again
the nostalgia,
the distance with her soulmate,
while she was surrounded
by fake hypocritical skins
she must have had not given a damn about their opinion
But o, man...did she…

All it took was courage,
to stop her mind, her feelings and thoughts
End the overthinking -
the weapon which was killing her.
She stood up and fought. Like a hero.
She escaped back at home,
ignored the negativity,
And adored the small sweet moments
She reminded herself for what she possesed:
the most important things -
her family and friends
who loved her just for who she was.
So she succeeded
and did the hardest.
She had the courage to not give up.
She had the courage to heal.


Envoyé: 15:54 Sun, 8 March 2020 par: Staneva Elissaveta