
Braun Vanessa, Belche Lea, Albers Marie, Henkes Julie

My teacher

My teacher

My teacher was funny and sexy.
He had a perfect body.
He just looked like a model.
He was our English teacher and
everybody liked him.
In his lessons all the students were calm and attentive.

Suddenly, day by day he became strange.
Every day he had greasy hair,
he started growing an unkempt beard.
He completely changed and
lost the children's respect.

He didn't manage to calm his pupils.
The student didn't do what he said.
"STOP talking! OR we'll do exercices.
In the lesson he took off his shoes
and put his feet on the table.

He always played on his smartphone and
he chewed chewing gum and stuck it under the table.
He became worse and he became fat.
He began to smoke in the classroom.

He didn't do anything during the lessons.
He stank to high heaven.
His smell was a mix of alcohol, sweat,
fast food and cigarettes.

In the lessons he felt asleep.
And began to whine about his laste love.
It was pretty pathetic!

Then he didn't return to school.
We think he died
The next day we got a new teacher
but, she, too, was a strange creature.

Envoyé: 22:20 Fri, 3 April 2015 par: Braun Vanessa, Belche Lea, Albers Marie, Henkes Julie