
Artemenko Margarita



The first rays of sunshine during spring
Always radiate a warmth so welcoming
That everybody wakes up from their
Seemingly eternal slumber.
(Did they have pretty dreams or nightmares?
We'll never know.)
Softly the shining beams caress one's skin
Like a past lover who returned from war.
Sweet nothings whispered into eachother's ears,
Are mimicked by the gentle swaying
Of the fresh green leaves.

Ah, finally the winter ended!
Teary-eyed it departed,
Unable to compete against
The firm grip of a long lost hero.
(But what about the beauty it (I) created
frozen tears?
Don't you remember the gentle snowflakes
That cradled you to sleep
When you were unable to catch your breath,
When you exaled clouds
Of words telling the story of
A bitter ending,
Of a good-bye that lasted
Far too long?)
Blindingly golden strands of hair
Lie spread out on a
Dusty rose pillow.
But even this colour will change
Once the light will find its way
Into the darkened hideout
Of the reunited lovebirds.
It'll turn into a wonderful pale rose once again,
While your skin will become sun-kissed itself.
(From afar it looks as if these strands of shining metal
Are strangling you.
But, oh, who am I to speak?
Nothing but a simple outcast,
That built this lair for you,
So that you can use it as a cover
Should the cold mist try to hold you in its embrace
A bit too long.)
(At least don't forget my dear,
That you can use it to hide
From the sunshine,
Should it get too demanding itself.)
The spring's soft light
Bathes the forest in a golden glow.
There is a gentle heat
Buried in the ground, in the water, everywhere around us.
(Is it also inside of me?).
Nature is truly grateful
To have you back,
Finally being able to
Shed the cold cover
Winter left behind,
It didn't keep the trees warm
As it was intended to.
(The cold can't keep things warm,
But it can keep them from dying.
Sometimes that's enough.)
The snow melts away
Like I do when you touch me.
Ah, I've been cold for so long
I forgot how it feels not to shiver.
(I also forgot how easily
I end up burning.
Winter had covered my burnmarks,
Healing them with its refreshing cold.)
My body might be ablaze,
My hands might suddenly be warm
I might be able to hear my
Beating heart again,
That had fallen into a deep sleep
A long time ago
(When you went away),
Yet inside of me I also hear
The howling of a glacial wind.
It sounds like
The crying of wolves
During a moon-lit night
Trying to find their rightful mate.
It sounds like
the wind passing through
The cracks of a small cottage.
It also sounds like
The crackling fire
In a cozy fireplace.
I hoped that my soul would also
Feel this warm,
In the end you (the owner)
Finally returned to claim what's yours,
But it doesn't seem like
You lighted a small fire in the cabin,
Rather you turned
Into a wildfire
And burned it down.
(I burned down along with it.)
(But why do I feel so cold,
When I'm surrounded by
This unstoppable heat?)
(Maybe you had to burn it down,
Because no access was granted
To you
The One and Only Hero.
Did you lose your key on the battlefield
Or did I
Accidently give it away
To someone else?
(Maybe to her?))
Winter created a pale veil
To cover the windows of my soul.
I was unable to see clearly,
Only living from my
Nostalgic memories.
Now that you arrived,
You lifted it
To kiss the bride
And I can see clearly once again.
(But now I'm not so sure anymore
If I like what I see.)
I heard memories always seem prettier
Than they actually are.
You were the most beautiful lie
I ever encountered.


Envoyé: 19:40 Tue, 28 March 2017 par: Artemenko Margarita