
Artemenko Margarita


Since when did a
"I'm feeling well"
Turn into a
"I'm functioning"?
All I can see is grey and white,
But there's no black because
It's all inside of me.
It's forming
A vast black sea.
And I don't dare to call it infinite,
At the moment it doesn't look like
The sound of chirping birds will
Ever pick me up again
From the ground I'm lying on
And allow me to imagine how
Great it must be to fly
(Now i'm thinking less of flying and more of falling).

Now it doesn't make me think
Only feel.

Feeling despair has become
A common practice that I am used to
Even more
Than waking up
At 8 o'clock
Brushing my teeth
And doing laundry
And not crying every 10 minutes
Because I'm a waste of space
That shouldn't have the right
To be alive
(Indeed those things seem to be of terrible difficulty now).

The birds continue chirping
With no care about the human world,
Ignorantly waking people up
At 5 a.m.
They don't care about the man
Working night shifts to keep his family alive
Or the woman who just got home from a 'date'
Where she had to do things she didn't want to.
The birds don't care, don't
And that's probably
They continue to be happy
(Even I was happy once, a happy little bird).

In the past their songs reminded me of
The sky, the forests and green planes covered with flowers,
Of things that can give us pure and simple happiness.
No more no less.
Now their songs don't remind me of places
Nor things nor people.
Their chirpping only reminds me of
Their happiness
Of others' happiness.
It reminds me that
They are alive and well,
Even though their lives are hard
How I'll never feel like this again.

(At least that's how I feel in this exact moment,
But I'm sure that as long as
I'll find seeds hidden in the soil
(In my soul)
The world (and I) will continue to
Grow and bloom
And eventually
We'll all feel better


Envoyé: 19:26 Tue, 28 March 2017 par: Artemenko Margarita