
Kvaran Einar

The Path to Self


Words are traps of decent definition,
Merely pictures of different rendition.
They express what we embody,
For others to see,
Yet incomplete for they can only
The picture so perceive,

Instead of being
What we truly can be,
We end up being
The words that define me..

Then wonder why we end up so amazingly confused.
When we have ourselves to a simple definition reduced
Our poor great infinite self suffering such tremendous abuse.

I am, I am, I am I say,
I am the One and Only to this Day.
I am All things and More Hooray,
I am the one Playing a Play,
But all that I am to this very day,
Is simply that I am, and I am and I am is all I can say..
I am simply going my way. 

Envoyé: 14:39 Fri, 19 February 2016 par: Kvaran Einar