
Fixemer Isabelle

Plenty of Things (or a Text to make You sick)

Yesterday evening, Kai was thinking about plenty of things. He was sitting on the couch and starring out of the window. He had nothing to do. He had never...

He mustered Robin for a while. She had things to do. She had always. Plenty of things. At this moment, she was doing her homework. She had to write an analysis. That was an easy thing to do and even if it wasn't, she would be smart enough to do it. And yet, it seemed to bother her. She had started no less than three hours ago, but as Kai looked at her paper she still hadn't written anything but the title. He sighed. She was never really working, yet somehow, she always made it...

Now, he looked at Alice. She wasn't working either. Not, that she was too stupid or such. No, in fact, she was rather smart! Alice was lazy. Robin wasn't lazy. Alice, in fact, hadn't even written the title so far. She was starring at a certain point nowhere and considering about the things in her head. O yes, there were things in Alice's head. Plenty of things.

Kai looked back to Robin, then to Alice again. It was hopeless. They were somewhere else already:

Alice, in her land of fantasy, of wonders wild and new. A place far away from anything what's normal. She created it to run away. From the society where she had never found her place. She didn't know it wasn't real and he would be the one to tell her later. The problem was that he couldn't really tell what her problem was. She must have had her head bumped once, Kai thought. She must have bumped more things. Plenty of things.

Robin, already attaining the nirvana as her mind was completely empty. Not to run away from someone else but from herself. Running away from the homework she had decided to do. Of course, the teacher had assigned the homework, but Alice (for example) had decided to not do it. She decided that way for plenty of things.

Kai had started to compare Robin and Alice, to make Alice uncomfortable. Whenever Alice decided to behave childish he would say such things as: "Why can't you be like Robin?" or "If Robin can do it, why can't you?" But since then, he had a problem: He couldn't really tell the difference between them anymore. The greatest difference he could tell was that Robin cared too much and Alice not enough. They had more things in comment. Plenty of things.

Kai stopped thinking as he realized that Robin was sobbing again. He layed a hand on her head. "You've got fiever", he said. "Again?", Robin mumbled as she woke up from her trance. "You mustn't go to school tomorrow", he said. He turned to Alice who was already grinning: "You must." Alice wanted to protest but Tarrant liftet her up quickly and left the room. Tarrant was never looking for trouble. That made him a good man. Especially for Alice. Robin turned to Kai: "I want to go to school tomorrow." "You want plenty of things", Kai answered. Robin ran out of the room. She knew she would go anyway. He knew it as well. He knew plenty of things.

Before Kai left, he looked a last time at Robin's notice book. He smiled a bit as he finally read the title:

Plenty of Things

Envoyé: 09:30 Wed, 24 February 2016 par: Fixemer Isabelle