Cavuoto Sarah


Did you exchange my poles?

Always a lonely star crossing others,

Though surrounded by the same celestial bodies, 

A lonesome light travelling the vacuum, 

Driven by nothing but distant goals.


(You might have exchanged my poles.)

But everything is moved by mysterious forces,

Some obscure, some unavoidable,

As even our universe is always moving,

Forced to collide eventually with one of its own.


(I really think you exchanged my poles.)

The diverged light suddenly redirected,

Turned around and forced to give in,

Premature anti-gravitation losing all of its meaning,

No previous dust of doubts still part of my being.


(You exchanged my poles.)

The first crossing of the light-rays,

Blinded by the nearing perfection,

Drawn to the endless ways,

Our beams offering everlasting connection,

My gravity now entirely fused with all of your stones.


So, I inquire humbly,

Do not let my next rotation start sorrowfully,


Why did you have to exchange my poles?

60: 15:57 Sun, 24 March 2024 by : Cavuoto Sarah age : 18